The Dangers of Consumeristic Patterns in the Face of a Rising e-Commerce Industry
Written by: Alicia Andie Angkawidjaja, Grants Researcher Intern Project Child Indonesia With Tokopedia, Shopee, and other e-commerce websites being so easy to use, we all have fallen into the comforts of buying something online so that we can receive it the next day (admit it, you’ve clicked on SiCepat shipping before). As e-commerce users, we […]
Membesarkan Anak menjadi Lebih Bahagia dan Sehat: Apa Gaya Mengasuh yang terbaik?
Ditulis oleh: Louis Budiman, Grants Researcher Intern Project Child Indonesia Keluarga merupakan agen sosialisasi yang mendasar dan utama bagi setiap manusia untuk tumbuh. Menciptakan lingkungan keluarga yang bahagia, sehat, dan aman bagi anak memerlukan peran proaktif orang tua. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, pengasuhan yang baik sangat penting dan merupakan aspek paling dasar yang tidak hanya […]
Raising Happier and Healthier Child: What is the Best Parenting Style?
Written by: Louis Budiman, Grants Researcher Intern Project Child Indonesia Family is a fundamental and primary agent of socialization for every human being to grow. Creating a happy, healthy, and safe family environment for children requires a proactive role by parents. To achieve this, good parenting is essential and the very basic aspect that shapes […]
Problems Solving with Business?
Written by: Paschalis Cahya Irawan, Social Business Trainee Intern Project Child Indonesia Can business solve social problems? can by designing a social business. Social business or often referred to as social entrepreneurship is defined as a business that is motivated by social problems or other problems This business is also a form of solution to […]
Kamu Tidak Harus Menunggu Untuk Berbuat Baik
Ditulis oleh: Angelien Chrestella Pardi, Social Business Trainee Intern Project Child Indonesia Hati Nurani yang Bersalah Saya selalu menikmati melakukan perjalanan dan naik mobil. Dengan hiruk pikuknya kehidupan kuliah dan pekerjaan, terutama di masa pandemi ini, saya sering memanfaatkan waktu ini untuk menghilangkan stres, mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan sambil mengamati kehidupan yang terjadi di sekitar […]
Why You Should Not Wait to do Good
Written by: Angelien Chrestella Pardi, Social Business Trainee Intern Project Child Indonesia The Guilty Conscience I have always enjoyed taking trips and going on car rides. With the hustling life of college and work, especially during this pandemic, I often find myself utilizing this time to de-stress, listening to relaxing music while observing the life […]
Keunikan dan Keindahan Kewirausahaan Sosial
Ditulis oleh: Faya Augustian Ariestyarini, magang Social Business Trainee Project Child Indonesia Tergabung sebagai bagian dari tim social business trainee di Project Child Indonesia Batch 32 merupakan suatu pengalaman baru dan unik bagi saya. Menjadi pengalaman baru karena merupakan kali pertama saya mengikuti program magang dan tergabung ke dalam tim social business, sekaligus menjadi pengalaman […]
The Uniqueness and Beauty Of Social Entrepreneurship
Written by: Faya Augustian Ariestyarini, Social Business Trainee Intern Project Child Indonesia Joining as part of the social business trainee team at Project Child Indonesia Batch 32 was a new and unique experience. It was a new experience because it was my first time participating in the apprenticeship program. It was also a unique experience […]
Perubahan Kesehatan Mental Anak-anak di Pandemi Covid-19
Ditulis oleh Lubna Hanifa M, Grants Researcher Intern Project Child Indonesia Pandemi Covid-19 telah berdampak besar kepada jutaan orang di seluruh dunia, mungkin mengubah hidup mereka selamanya. Pandemi ini tidak hanya mengancam kesehatan fisik dunia, tetapi juga kesehatan mental. Di antara mereka yang berisiko adalah anak usia sekolah yang saat ini berada pada masa-masa kritis […]
Changes in Children’s Mental Health During Covid-19
Written by Lubna Hanifa M, Grants Researcher Intern Project Child Indonesia The Covid-19 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide in different ways. Most people, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity have experienced its effects in one way or another, perhaps changing their lives forever. The pandemic has threatened not only global physical wellbeing, but […]