Our Initiatives

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Online Learning Assistance

The rapid spread of COVID-19 forced students to study from home and amplified pre-existing social inequalities, mainly uneven digital landscapes and familial economic pressures in children who live in vulnerable areas. On average, Project Child Indonesia works with families that earn a daily income of around IDR 20,000 or 2 USD – a figure insufficient for savings or emergency funds, as their daily earnings suffice for what the family requires on that day. This condition forced parents to continue working outside of their homes, with the additional struggle to provide their children with adequate learning support. 

Consequently, 60 million children in Indonesia experienced learning loss. Children who do not receive adequate support from their parents suffer worse. The children are still recovering from the effects of the 2 years of study from home, including understanding of core subjects and socio-emotional development.

Our Purpose

Online Learning Assistance (OLA) is a program initiated by Project Child Indonesia as an adjustment of our Internet Literacy Program and Sekolah Sungai Program. It was initiated in September 2020 as a response to the uncertain circumstances occurring since the Covid-19 pandemic hit to address the key challenges of people who live in vulnerable communities.

What OLA Supports

Our project focused on ensuring children aged 10-12 have a healthy socio-emotional development in addition to support in school subjects. We facilitated children with tutors (youth volunteers) who assist them with understanding core subjects in (Math, Science and English) on a weekly basis. The volunteers introduced and incorporated Mindfulness techniques to children and parents to improve their focus during learning. The tutoring sessions were conducted online, and with the help from our generous donors, we were able to provide internet connection for the classes.

Our Impact

Our Online Learning Assistance was generously supported by the Australian Grant Scheme, Frans Seda Foundation, PT XL Axiata, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia, To My Daughter, Gollaborate, Sekolah.mu, and generous donations from the public.

Due to the support, we were able to hold x sessions, reach x direct beneficiaries, and x indirect beneficiaries. We were able to provide upskilling for x youth volunteers through professional volunteerism and mindfulness training.