Sekolah Pantai Project

Show Your Support

We are currently seeking funding of Rp. 100.000.000 or $6500 for our Beach School Revitalization.

Your donation provides support for Infrastructure Repairs, Learning Packages, Fun Class Activities, and Training Sessions for Youth Volunteers.

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Committed to a shared vision? 

Join us to be a part of the journey to create meaningful change. 

Sekolah Pantai Project

1.3 million people who live in extreme poverty in Indonesia are living in coastal areas. This amounts to 70% of the total extreme poverty population in the country. These people are the most vulnerable towards climate change and are the most at risk to natural disasters.

Gaining inspiration from our established River School program in Yogyakarta, we wanted to expand our reach to more children living in disaster-prone communities in Indonesia. Pacitan, East Java is one of the coastal cities located along the South Java Coast most prone towards floods and tsunami. It is also facing increasing human-made environmental problems, such as waste and pollution in the beach areas.

Thus, we initiated our Beach School Program to provide education for children in building a safe and sustainable coastal environment. 

Our Purpose

In 2014, Project Child Indonesia built our own semi-permanent Bamboo Beach School in Pacitan.

Our aim is to provide a space for children and communities to build a closer connection to nature and gain a better understanding towards ocean conservation and disaster mitigation. 

Our Beach School has also become a place of learning diversity and empathy, where youth volunteers from across Indonesia and the world come to connect with the local community to collaborate and create positive change. 

Our Activities

Mindfulness and Environment Education

The main activity of the program is holding regular weekly classes for elementary school children through a student based learning system. The main areas of study are environmental conservation, disaster-preparedness, and practical health. Outbound and workshop activities are held in order for the children to learn by immersing themselves with the problems arising from their surroundings. 

Ocean Conservation Campaigns

The ocean is an important ecosystem to maintain for communities who live in the area. In order to more effectively promote a sustainable environment, Project Child Indonesia regularly conducts environmental campaigns such as beach clean up and advocacy to visitors, including sellers and consumers, on the usage of single-use plastics. 

Our Future Plans

In 2023 we aim to complete our renovation project in Pacitan with the support of Brite Foundation of Royal HaskoningDHV. 

We aim to continue our regular weekly classes and community engagement activities by early 2024.