COVID-19 Attracts Domestic Violence

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia COVID-19 is a nightmare for the human race. With everyone advised to stay at home, the pandemic slows down every aspect imaginable in our lives. The economy collapses, social life becomes non-existent, and the only place where people are allowed to gather is the […]

The Future of Children Is In Our Hands

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia “Children are the future of our nation.” We often find people saying things along those lines. “Children are the future, so they have to try hard and be the best in everything they do.” “Children are the future, so they have to be responsible […]

How to End Poverty?

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia Have you ever been extremely hungry? Have you ever been living in a condition where you cannot just open the fridge and find various kinds of food and beverages to satisfy your hunger or even just a mere craving? Have you ever been worried […]

Dearest students and teachers all over the world,

Hi, hello, how are you? Are you healthy and safe? We sure hope you do. How’s online classes? Is everything going smoothly? Are you bored and tired of the situation? We know things are different right now during the pandemic. Social and physical distancing are a must, after all. However, don’t lose hope just yet! […]

Online Learning, Is It the Future?

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia The coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects in human’s life. The way we tread upon our life is way different than before the pandemic happens. The economic chain is disrupted, social balance is in a state of disarray, and the education field is rapidly […]

Yuk, Beramal!

Ditulis oleh Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesia Setiap tahun, pada tanggal 5 September, PBB merayakan Hari Amal Internasional. Tanggal 5 September dipilih sebagai peringatan kematian Bunda Teresa, seorang suster yang mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk membantu kaum miskin dan terpinggirkan di Kalkuta, India. Kegiatan amal (charity), pada dasarnya, ditujukan untuk mengeratkan solidaritas antar manusia […]

Help the Teachers in Need

Story by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia It’s been three months since I am stuck at home, preferring not to go out rather than risking my health amids the coronavirus pandemic. I am very lucky to be able to stay home and continue my learning online. Since my university shut down […]

Berbagi Kehidupan Melalui Donor Darah

Ditulis oleh Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesoa Darah sering disebut sebagai sumber kehidupan. Darah mempunyai fungsi penting untuk mengedarkan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh kita sehingga organ-organ tubuh kita bisa berfungsi dengan baik. Jika kelancaran aliran darah kita terganggu seperti dalam kasus hiperkoagulasi yang menyebabkan darah penderita terlalu mudah menggumpal sehingga mereka […]

How to Help: Ending Child Labor

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia Do you remember your childhood? Was it happy? Were you able to have fun with your friends and family, buy toys, and eat whatever you wish? If yes, then you are very very very lucky. You are most likely the only one among ten […]

Technological Advances for Your Benefit

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesia Today we celebrate World Telecommunication Society Day. It’s all about how technology has helped in our daily communication. In the 1800s, it was unimaginable for people to even have the idea of using lamps. Simply because electricity was not yet found. People live their everyday […]