How to Help: Ending Child Labor

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia

Do you remember your childhood? Was it happy? Were you able to have fun with your friends and family, buy toys, and eat whatever you wish? If yes, then you are very very very lucky. You are most likely the only one among ten children to have the privilege to do so. In Africa and Asia, the other nine children have to work hard and are often exploited as a laborer. These children have to work to support their family instead of working on their dreams. Often, they also become the victim of human trafficking and sexual abuse.

The issue of child labor has been nagging on our society for years. Without the proper surveillance and laws, it will be impossible to end it. As citizens, we can urge the government to create better laws to fight this issue. However, having surveillance and better laws is the diplomatic way to end it. We have to use a personal approach as well. Laws and surveillance will not increase the children’s life quality, it will only help against their cases. We have to help in bettering their education so that they have higher chances to be successful in life. Material help such as money and food can’t last very long, but education can. Changing the mindset of these children will contribute a lot, not only for the children individually but for national development as well.

A simple way that you can do to help personally is volunteering. Every child deserves education and if you can help to provide them with it, why not? Volunteering for an organization or program that helps to provide education for children such as Project Child Indonesia’s Sekolah Sungai is a very noble action. You’ll help to give access to education for these children and you’ll play a role in helping them achieve their dreams. It might be a small help, but it will give impact to the children, no matter how small. 

You can help, no matter how. There will always be a way that you can help.
