How Fast Do You Change Your Clothes?

Written by Amaranila Nariswari, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia Trendy, chic, and easy-to-wear describe the fast-fashion industry really well. In some countries, fast-fashion stores sell relatively cheap clothing pieces while at the same time they’re still considered as the trend-setter in the fashion industry. How do they sell so much stuff at once […]

Travel Better, Enjoy A Whole Lot More

Written by Maria Olivia Laurent, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia There is no better occasion than today to think about our ongoing crisis of climate change and learn how we can invest more in our planet. The 2022 Earth Day movement focuses on the collaborative effort by businesses, governments, organizations, and every one […]

Mengenal Warisan Sosial Dalam Menjaga Budaya Bangsa

Written by Maria Olivia Laurent, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia Sering jalan-jalan ke mall dan kafe hits, tapi kok nggak pernah mengunjungi situs warisan budaya kita yang nggak kalah kerennya itu? Tapi ngapain cuma liat bangunan sama batu-batuan? Eits, jangan salah! Mengunjungi situs budaya bukan hanya untuk hiburan semata, apalagi cuma liat bangunan […]

How Much Do You Waste?: Counting on Your Ecological Footprint

Written by Amaranila Nariswari, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia Does the term ‘Ecological Footprint’ ring a bell to you? I bet it doesn’t. But I am sure some of you have heard about carbon footprints already, right? If you haven’t, let me help you: a carbon footprint refers to the number of gaseous […]

Project Child Indonesia Received Special Recognition as Non-Profit Organization for the 2021 Digital Transformation Award

Project Child Indonesia is grateful and humbled to have received the 2021 Digital Transformation (DX) Award organized by Swiss Chamber of Commerce (Swisscham) Singapore and Deloitte. The DX Award celebrates innovation and digitization across Southeast Asia, inviting multinationals, SMEs, startups, profit and non-profit organizations, in categories including Cybersecurity, B2C, Healthcare, Insurance, Financial Services, Advanced Manufacturing, […]

FOMO vs JOMO: Why It Is Fine to Miss Out

Oh no! I missed out on the latest trend on TikTok! Am I doomed now? What should I do?! Don’t worry, it is not the end of the world. Better yet, this could be the beginning of your new stress-free life!

Bangkitkan Budaya Mendongeng kepada Anak

Dongeng merupakan suatu hal yang mewarnai masa kecil kita. Maka dari itu, mari lestarikan budaya mendongeng dengan mengetahui manfaat dan cara mendongeng berikut ini. Selamat Hari Dongeng Sedunia!