Young Generation in Preserving Batik

The role of young generation in preserving batik is very important. Way that we can do to celebrated national batik to use batik, as a form of appreciating Indonesian batik culture.

Did you know the influence of national batik day celebration?

With the celebration of batik, it can have an impact on the global community.

As we know, Indonesia is rich in cultural diversity, especially batik cloth. Basically batik as a popular Indonesian cultural identity.

The increase of batik industry changes people’s lifestyles in dressing dynamically, so that craftsmen follow the flow of fashion developments. Which is batik can also prosper the batik craftsmen both nationally and globally

Batik has become a new innovation in modern way.

“The increasingly varied batik motifs have awakened a number of Indonesian designers to develop modern batik” -Tina Andrean

The Short History of Batik

Historically, the traditional process of making batik is not easy through various steps.

The types and philosophies of batik from various regions provide uniqueness and so meaningful that poured into traditional batik.

So that the art on cloth made traditionally has a high and universal value. So only certain circles can use batik cloth.

However in this era batik can be used by all people regardless of the social status, makes batik a part of popular culture.

But people are basically using Batik that identically used at formal events.

Meanwhile, how can we use batik continuously?

The stigma of our society towards using of batik could be change through the trend of wrapped cloth by young people which has become the new fashion trend of 2020 until now.

Overtime, batik cloth has developed to be more modern, especially in the digital era, making it easier to introduce modern batik culture which is now a fashion trend. One of them is in introducing batik wrapped cloth through the hashtag Berkain Bersama.

This movement based on the anxiety of young people against the use of batik that had faded, began to get used to using batik cloth to invite all groups to preserve batik culture. Through #BerkainBersama, you can find enthusiasm of young people to use batik wrapped cloth.

We can see that this movement invites and gets a positive response from all circles who can encourage the use of batik again. The Berkain Bersama movement aims to realize and succeed in normalizing the use of batik in everyday life.

The technique of tying and wrapping the fabric becomes an artistic value in the use of batik.

These movement that changes traditional fabrics that flexible to used, so that it can encourage young people to use batik as daily clothing. Activities that can have a positive influence. Especially young people who take part in using batik cloth which can have a positive influence on other young people. The high use of batik wrapped cloth has become a new habit in dressing.

The more difficult the process of making batik, the higher the value of batik. So that as Indonesian cultural heritage, it is certainly important for us the younger generation to maintain and preserve it.

How to preserve batik?

Historically, batik has a deep meaning, therefore, it is important for young people to know the history of batik making. Love for our homeland begins with small steps by starting to get used to using batik cloth as a form of support for Indonesian culture. By using batik, we take part in preserving culture.

As we can see, the use of batik is very dynamic at times. As Indonesian citizens should be proud and loved of the richness of Indonesian culture. So that batik can be sustainable and passed down to the next generation. Therefore, we as the younger generation take part in preserving batik culture

Happy World National Batik Days, Let’s #BerkainBersama!