Self Love: Self Acceptance and Self Forgiveness

Written by Vina Dina, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia When was the last time you embraced and accepted your true feelings? When was the last time you didn’t blame yourself for all the mistakes that happened beyond your control? When was the last time you stared at your reflection on the mirror and thank […]

Hello me! Let’s be Friend

Written by Nindy Silvia Anggraini, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia  I was born as a social being. Interacting with other people has become a demand even before I was born. In my toddler, mother and father taught me how to speak, the purpose of which was to establish communication with them. As I grew […]

Hello Me! Let’s Be Friend

Ditulis oleh Nindy Silvia Anggraini, Penulis Konten Project Child Indonesia Aku terlahir sebagai makhluk sosial. Berinteraksi dengan orang lain sudah menjadi sebuah tuntutan bahkan sejak sebelum aku dilahirkan. Di Umurku yang masih balita ibu dan ayah mengajariku cara berbicara yang tujuannya adalah membangun komunikasi dengan mereka. Beranjak dewasa, aku dipertemukan dengan lingkungan yang lebih luas. […]