Changes in Children’s Mental Health During Covid-19

Written by Lubna Hanifa M, Grants Researcher Intern Project Child Indonesia The Covid-19 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide in different ways. Most people, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity have experienced its effects in one way or another, perhaps changing their lives forever. The pandemic has threatened not only global physical wellbeing, but […]

Overcoming Medical Waste Problem during the Pandemic

Written by Adides Gideon Simanjuntak, Rafy Ramadhan, Stephanie Ruth Armida: Content Writer Interns Project Child Indonesia It has been more than a year since we have our ‘14 days quarantine’. Who would have thought that the pandemic would stick around for such a long time? Just imagine all the medical waste we have produced up […]

Online Learning Assistance Project: Helping Children Education in a Pandemic

Written by Project Child Indonesia Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disproportionately affected marginalized communities in Indonesia. After the spread of the virus was officially announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Indonesian government conducted a policy about changing the offline learning system in school into distance learning. However, the unequally distributed […]

Online Learning Assistance: Contributing Our Way

Written by Adjeng Tunjung Pamase, Partnership Intern Project Child Indonesia Entering the eighth month since the COVID-19 pandemic spread in Indonesia, Distance Learning or Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) activities still face various constraints. Numerous facilities and infrastructure are required to conduct a successful implementation of PJJ. In addition to the supporting equipment such as laptops […]

Between The Environment and The Pandemic

Written by Nindy Silvia Anggraini, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia  In recent years many environmental issues have been called for, especially about plastic waste. Various trends have emerged ranging from the use of straws, drinking bottles, cutlery, and shopping bags that are environmentally friendly and can be used repeatedly. Making the sea turtles and […]

Yuk Lakukan Kegiatan Ini Selama Di Rumah Aja!

Ditulis oleh Anna Safira Salsabila, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia Lockdown akibat pandemi COVID-19 sudah berjalan selama 5 bulan terhitung sejak bulan Maret hingga Juli 2020. Tentu waktu yang tidak sebentar untuk menghabiskan waktu di rumah saja dan membatasi bahkan menghentikan aktivitas di luar ruangan, karena seperti yang kita ketahui, segala kegiatan belajar mengajar […]

Skills for Resilient Youth, Celebrating World Youth Skills Day 2020

Written by : Anna Safira Salsabila, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia The world is changing. There are more and more challenges to face and each day is different and with that means there are also a lot of new things we need to learn and prepare for the sake of our future. None of […]

Alone Together: Our Future in a Cyber Society Post Covid-19

Written by : Devina Prima Kesumaningtyas, Intern Research Project Child Indonesia After President Joko Widodo announced that there were two people infected by COVID-19, everyone uproared with this news. People start to panic buying, and then the scarcity of disinfectants, masks, and alcohol hand rub. Also, everyone becomes aware to wash their hand regularly. Ironically, […]

Warum eine ausgewogene Ernährung helfen kann, eine Infektion mit COVID-19 zu verhindern

Geschrieben von Peeters, ehemals Community Engagement Project Child Indonesien, Übersetzt von Lia Sophie Wilmes, Content Writer Praktikantin Project Child Indonesien Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erklärte Covid-19 zu einer globalen Pandemie. Unzählige Länder haben mit den Gefahren, die dieses Virus für die Menschheit darstellt, zu kämpfen. Im asiatischen Raum ist Indonesien derzeit auf Platz 1, wenn es […]

Why a Balanced Diet can Help your Immune System to Prevent Infected by COVID-19

Written by : Peeters, Former Community Engagement Project Child Indonesia As the World Health Organization declares Covid-19 as a global pandemic resulting in countries grappling with imminent dangers that this virus poses to humanity, there are very few measures that individuals can take to fight this pandemic. Indonesia currently ranks first in Covid-19 mortality rate […]