PCI Feature: About Project Child Indonesia Internship and Volunteer Program

Written by Vina Dina, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia

This is the last month of Project Child Indonesia’s Internship Program Batch 32.  And yaa! As you expected, Internship and Volunteer Program Batch 33 will be opened soon! Project Child Indonesia is going to open registration for the next batch in around July for the Internship Program and August for Volunteer.

Sstt, let me spill the tea! There will be a new department you can join in the next internship program! That’s interesting, isn’t it? To enhance the euforia, let’s read more to these sections below to know what interns think and gain from this program.

Perfect Environment For Self-Development

I love the culture. Finally I found a place to work where I’m free to express myself. I’m free to do what I want as long as I don’t cross the boundaries and complete my responsibilities.

– Theresia Tyas Kirana, Human Capital Intern

Project Child Indonesia has a perfect environment for the staff, interns, and volunteers to express themselves freely. As Kak Thea mentioned in our previous article, fear is common to experience when we start something new or when we need to speak in public. But in Project Child Indonesia, you can tell your opinion without doubt and fear, and get no judgement. Even Though there are many people who already have excellent experiences, they still want to learn and process together. It’s a safe place for you to develop yourself!

Halal Bi Halal Project Child Indonesia

Being an intern in PCI has definitely been a fun and interesting experience. I didn’t expect I could bond with my co-workers this easily to be honest. I think it will definitely be one of my 2021 highlights!

–Dara Ayu Ariane, Content Writer Intern

As an organisation, it’s also important for Project Child Indonesia to construct solidarity, either between divisions or members. Therefore, the Human Capital Department always carried out some events like, Buka Puasa Bersama (Bukber), and Halal Bi Halal.  No need to worry if you are a thousand miles apart! There were online bounding events too, such Online Yoga and Breathwork, Welcoming Party, etc. So, even though you are in a different region, you are still able to participate actively and meet your friends!

Buka Puasa Bersama

I feel lucky to be an intern at Project Child Indonesia. I found a lot of good people which have same frequency, so I can get along with them as well.

–Sakina Dila, Graphic Designer Intern

Besides the moment we mentioned above, there are cultural activities we usually do to strengthen the bonding between the members. We usually held a weekly meeting with a little bit of spice- a fun game each month to refresh our mind! If you are staying in Yogyakarta, you can come to the office and meet the staff and other interns. Besides working, you can also have fun and have casual discussions with others.

Don’t Let These Precious Experiences And Knowledge Slip Out From Your Hands!

As an intern and volunteer, we will definitely get a job according to our job description. Kak Dara mentioned that as a Content Writer Intern, she has been able to learn how to create really diverse articles in the span of 6 months. By working continuously, our skill in the fields that we are working on becomes more excellent and helpful for our future. “I think that’s going to be really good ammunition for the future.” She added.

I’m really a beginner in all aspects and am very happy to discover new things and knowledge from training that was held for interns and volunteers.  I didn’t think that it’s necessary nor did I know how some things work. But by being an intern, I can improve myself.

–Sakina Dila, Graphic Designer Intern

Aside from working as your job desc, being a volunteer  and  intern also give you a privilege to join some useful training. Besides the bonding events, the Human Capital Department also held CV training, and how to write B2B Communication Tools with an excellent speaker. The topic of training may be different for each batch, but always be an essential knowledge for us.

It’s amazing isn’t it? You are not only gaining experiences from being an intern in a certain division, yet you will get plenty of experiences in a lot of more things. This is a once in a lifetime chance!

So, are you ready for the next batch program? Go prepare yourself and don’t miss this precious chance! Stay tuned in Project Child Indonesia’s Instagram or you can check on this website for new update information. See you in the next batch people!