Love: The Secret of Success

Written by Graciella Ganadhi, Content Writer
Project Child Indonesia

There are many definitions of success. Some people describe success with wealth, while some say that to be successful is if you can show kindness in every situation. In reality, success is subjective. Different people have different opinions on the definition of success. However, no matter what your definition of success is, shouldn’t the ultimate goal is to be happy?

Many factors contribute to someone’s success. Financial support is one, of course. Those who are born privileged with enough resources to support their needs, especially their education, should have higher chances of being successful. Fortunately, money isn’t everything. How many cases of rich children being neglected, deprived of affection and attention, and had turned out unhappy?

In parenting, love and affection should be the primary concern. Children need to grow up in a loving and supportive environment. Many Asians parents opt not to give a physical touch to their children out of old habits or traditions. However, a study has shown that a physical touch is an essential factor if you want your child to grow up successful. It improves confidence and self-image tremendously.

“12 hugs a day, keep the doctor away,” they say.

Other than mere physical touch, attention is essential for the success of a child. As parents, you have to differentiate between good and bad attention. Minimize the usage of negation such as: “Don’t play with your food!”, instead start saying: “Good job on finishing your food!” and start praising their good behavior. Not only will this help keep their behavior in check, but it will also help them develop a good self-image.

The celebration of Valentine’s Day should not only be wasted celebrating lovers. Valentine’s Day should be a day where we celebrate any type of love. All human beings need love, after all. Parents should show their love to their children more explicitly and vice versa. There is no harm in showing affection. So, spread love and kindness, everyone!
