COVID-19: What You Can Do to Help

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesia

What comes to your mind upon hearing “healthcare workers”? Do you instantly think of doctors and surgeons? Or do you remember those who are working hard in the frontline of current pandemic COVID-19: nurses and midwives?

Today, during World Health Day, is the day when we thank our nurses and midwives. They are hands-on in handling the pandemic while also providing us with real data and evidence concerning the pandemic. The World Health Organization even stated that without nurses, there would be no response to handle the pandemic because there will be no one that keeps a record and provides high-quality first treatment. They work tirelessly to help us all amid this pandemic and risk their lives to save those who got infected with the coronavirus.

You might be asking: well, what does all of these have to do with me? You might think that because you are healthy and have never met any nurse or midwife during this pandemic strike, then you don’t have to care or that you can’t help those who are working on the frontline other than donating money or medical supplies. However, you cannot be more wrong. There are simple things that you can do to help:

  • Wash your hands regularly! You need to keep your hands clean all the time.
  • Do not touch your face, especially your mouth, nose, and eyes. It will help you to avoid infection.
  • Wear masks! If you must go out, wear masks that cover your mouth and nose. If you have to wear a cloth mask, wash it with disinfectant after 4 hours of usage. Remember, medical N95 masks are reserved for healthcare workers! Do not wear it, you don’t need it as much as the doctors, nurses, and midwives do! 
  • Shower and disinfect your clothes after you go out!
  • Stay at home if you can. It will help with slowing the infection chain.

Showing gratitude to healthcare workers during this pandemic is simple. If you keep yourself healthy, you will lessen their workload and avoid increasing the risk of infection to them and others. So, folks, stay healthy: it is more than enough help for those in the frontline of the battle!

