Autism: An Elephant in the Room that Dearly Wishes a Better Understanding from Us

Written by Mikhael Sianturi, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia

The Ugly Numbers

Today is the World Autism Awareness day. Autism is a neurological condition characterized by atypical communication, language development, eye contact, and sensory. Suffered by one out of fifty-four children in the US, it is one of those sufferings that see no cure but a repressive method to withstand.

One out of fifty-four might sound like a small number, but consider this. If a community consists of one million lives and we apply that one out of fifty-four chances, that’s 18,500 lives of people with autism out there. Do consider this as well; today’s human’s population consists of 7,900 times more than the one used here as an example. 

Now, what if I told you that those 18,500 people can perform in life just as good as those with no autism spectrum? If not, better?

Yes, we cannot ignore the internal and external difficulties that people with autism face. Internally, they suffer at communicating, paying simple attention, keeping appropriate behavior, and more things that we see no problem in doing. Externally, people see autism as a disease, or , heck, a derogatory term. 

However, this doesn’t mean that we get to ignore their possible capabilities, which are very significant.

Their Potentials

One of the most common difficulties that people with autism share is their lack of social skills. Does this mean they’re unable to function because of the social being humans are? Absolutely not. If people nurture with careful handling, people with autism may show incredible skills at memorizing, punctuality, learning, being detailed, perfectionism, logical thinking, and more (according to Basically, areas in which social interaction is scarce, if not, absent.

Of course, these skills are useful assets in the world of career that not even ordinary people may possess. Possessing either of these skills opens the chances for people with autism to employment such as ones in animal-related areas, technology, science, journalism, and manufacturing (according to

People with autism spectrum may excel in animal-related careers for the fact that the main focus of the career is to interact with animals, not humans. The careers include pet groomers, dog trainers, livestock caretaker, or even veterinarians. 

As for technology, people with autism also may excel in this since the working space just includes the person and their computer. And since a good understanding of mathematics, a complex system, and the need for order is crucial, people with autism may do well in this area. 

Science is not much different from technology, perhaps except that it may involve more social interactions. However, science can really rely on the precision, the love for the details, and the adherence for strict procedures that people with autism possess. For that, we can see people with autism becoming scientists, researchers, or lab technicians.  

Journalism does sound like a job that is not good enough for people with autism. However, nowadays’ journalism is heavily influenced by the one thing that is not supposed to interfere: the sense of bias. A person with the autism spectrum will not reflect their thoughts on the matter at hand. Thus, journalism is a good potential for them.

Finally, manufacturing is added on the list for the fact that it involves repetitive motions. This kind of job is most suitable for those who do best at repetitiveness since it involves repetitive motions. The careers exist in automotive manufacturing, or computer, or other special-made items produced in factories. 


In  the end, people with autism are still people that have the same rights just like others. There are plenty out there that are still being mistreated for simply being born that way. Yes,they need special care and not everyone is up for the job. However, kindness in the simplest actions needs very little effort to do, and they will be very grateful to receive some. So, be kind, because everyone can do good.