PPI Hongaria Support for Project Child Indonesia

Written by Sijbrand Albrecht Peeters, Community Engagement AssociateProject Child Indonesia Indonesian Students Association or PPI is an organization consisting of Indonesia students studying abroad. Members of Indonesian Student Association (PPI) varies from students pursuing bachelors, masters and postdoctoral degrees. PPI Hungary members are mostly the recipient of Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship from the Hungarian government. In […]

The Importance of Partnership and Collaboration in Non-profit Sector

Written by Sekar Ningtyas Kinasih, Content WriterProject Child Indonesia We believe that collaboration is not about an option to choose, but a necessity to strengthen the efficiencies and effectiveness to tackle down of what we need to settle and generate a better impact for a better world. When we are talking about how the non-profit […]

19 August 2019: A Celebration of Women Humanitarian Day

The efforts of Humanitarian should realize that the fact of women or girls as same as like men and boys– have to participate in responding for all crises, without setting aside if women reserve the right to be a leader and decision-maker.

“Transforming Education” – As the Theme of International Youth Day 2019

This year, 2019– IYD comes up with a theme of “Transforming Education” as a highlight goal to make education more universal and approachable for all the young people, involved the youth themselves– where it also refers to Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG) to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.’’

Standardisasi Kualitas Air Menurut Dinas Kesehatan dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup

Pada tanggal 10 Juli 2019, PCI kembali mengadakan sosialisasi Drinking Water Program bersama 5 sekolah mitra baru yaitu SD Cokrokusuman, SD Sayidan, SD Karangmulyo, SD Ngupasan dan SD Wirosaban yang juga dihadiri 22 perwakilan sekolah mitra lainnya maupun 3 perwakilan oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta.

Standardization of Water Quality According to the Health & Environmental Services

The awareness towards water as the essential substance for human survival has become the foremost reason to the Drinking Water Program establishment which has been carried out since 2016 to several schools by Project Child Indonesia– as well as a tangible evidence of supporting towards implementation of the 6th goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which ensuring the availability of clean water, achieving universal access to basic sanitation at every level of society in 2030.

Relationships of Reciprocity: How a Two-Day Community-Based Tourism Program Brings a Trifold Benefit to Those Involved

Written by: Will Griffiths The annual Haarlemmermeer Community-Based Tourism program continued this year when a group of students from Haarlemmermeer school in the Netherlands engaged in activities and experiences of cultural learning and exchange in Kampung Code, Yogyakarta. The students are the third Haarlemmermeer group to visit Code for this experience of cross-cultural learning, each […]

Socialization about stunting in Kricak

stunting has serious impacts to childrens because the lack of nutrition supply. It will deter the developments of children cognitively and physically.

Dance Workshop in Code

It is one of our agenda which plan to be held in Code to support the community for developing their potential to become community-based tourism.