Test – Update Post 20200602

Geschrieben von Graciella Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesien, Übersetzt von Lia Sophie Wilmes, Content Writer Praktikantin Project Child Indonesien Erfolg kann man auf viele verschiedene Arten definieren. Einige Menschen beschreiben Erfolg mit Reichtum, andere sagen, dass man erfolgreich ist, wenn man in jeder Situation bedacht handelt, und wiederum andere behaupten, man sei erfolgreich, wenn […]

Raising Awareness on Climate Change Issues Through Education

The efforts of Humanitarian should realize that the fact of women or girls as same as like men and boys– have to participate in responding for all crises, without setting aside if women reserve the right to be a leader and decision-maker.

Project Child Indonesia Collaborate with Alumni Grant Scheme #1

This article is the first in a tri-series that provides a holistic demonstration of how Project Child Indonesia implemented and conducted a Drinking Water Program in the remote region of Fakfak in Indonesia’s Papua. Project Child Indonesia (PCI) is an independent, community-based organisation working out of Yogyakarta City in East Java. As an organisation PCI […]

Project Child Indonesia Collaborate with Alumni Grant Scheme #3

This article is the third in a tri-series that provides a holistic demonstration of how Project Child Indonesia implemented and conducted a Drinking Water Program in the remote region of Fakfak in Indonesia’s Papua. As Abie and Filla embarked on their long journey back to Yogyakarta from Fakfak  in Papua, they felt that their, and […]

Basic Principle to Understand Why Oral Health Education is Important For the Children

Project Child Indonesia took action as a form of support to the Indonesia Free from Caries 2030 program by establishing a free dental check-up that held on 7 August 2019 at one of PCI’s SS programs; Sungai Gajah Wong. The activity purposely targeted to the residents around the river; both parents and children, where each individual got the opportunity to have a live consultation with our collaborator from Opal Dental Clinic’s experts (doctors).

Youth Volunteer Movements Around The World

By: Felice Valeria (Content Writer Intern) The phrase “the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow” by Nelson Mandela is indeed true. As the future agents of change, it is crucial for youths to begin generating positive changes in their own communities. Initiating and partaking in youth volunteer movements is one of the examples […]

Code River Educational Tour with ACICIS and Scotch College, Western Australia

On Tuesday April 17th 2018, the community we have been working with in Sekolah Sungai Code got a visit from students and teachers of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia. The visit was made possible through Project Child Indonesia’s partnership with ACICIS Yogyakarta, who held the visit as part of their School Tour program. There were […]

Apa itu literasi internet?

Literasi Internet merupakan salah satu bagian penting di zaman sekarang, dimana teknologi makin berkembang dan internet menjadi alat paling penting dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Semua kalangan mengakses internet untuk keperluan masing-masing, mulai dari online games, media sosial, sampai pada portal-portal berita. Sayangnya, kemudahan dalam mengakses ini tidak disertai dengan kemampuan para penggunanya untuk menyaring informasi […]

Project Child to Expand its Drinking Water Program to Eastern Part of Indonesia

The UN recognizes access to the clean water as one of the basic human rights. However, the access to safe and affordable drinking water is still a country-wide problem in Indonesia. There is still no free drinking water installation system available in primary schools in Indonesia. Thus, the cheapest way to get drinking water is […]

5 Tips to Stay Hydrated at School

By Felix Prayogo   Students, especially those in elementary schools, have a high probability of getting dehydration. The problem with these students is, that they don’t understand the early symptom of dehydration. There are several ways to teach them and make them understand about this issue, but sometimes students need another way to tell that […]