Training Day for the Volunteers of Project Child

 The interview and training process of all Project Child Indonesia volunteers is an integral aspect of ensuring the best quality care for the children at Sekolah Sungai (River School). On Saturday the 4th of April, all volunteers were provided with overviews of volunteering, business, social work, the projects being undertaken at Project Child, as well as teaching us how to deal with some of the situations that might occur on site. Letting the volunteers get to know each other and getting them to brainstorm, work together and discuss the important things involved in volunteer work is a great way to build a volunteer base who are excited about teaching and social justice.

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Surayah Ryha is one of the founders of Project Child and she started off the morning with the true importance of the work done at Sekolah Sungai. Why do we help others? What are the rewards? Why do we want to volunteer at Project Child? What was the last thing we did entirely for someone else? The classes run by Project Child are not just to increase access to education or provide environmental and health curriculums, although that is one of the fantastic results. To give something of yourself to help others, spend your time meaningfully and be rewarded with learning and creativity is the true essence of volunteer work. To make a difference, in whatever little way possible, is just one step towards a better future.

Project Child’s interns from Germany and the Netherlands also gave a few workshops on social work and working with children. Children with behavioral issues and attachment disorders often need to be looked after by volunteers and learning how to handle them is critical. Keeping classes professional and knowing how to deal with problems keeps both the volunteers and children happy. Social work itself is also a vital aspect of Project Child, and how we go about solving problems in communities that are disadvantaged, as well as trying to prevent these issues from being perpetuated. With free health checks, schools and waste management programs, Project Child does both of these! It’s great for the volunteers to be able to understand exactly how social work and Project Child fit together and their part in it all.

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Yurike Inrumitha was one of many volunteers who were at the training. Her reason for wanting to volunteer was that “It feels better giving, than receiving.” Contributing to Project Child will undoubtedly feel good for all the volunteers involved.

Next week the volunteers will go out to visit the schools for the first time, hopefully armed with lots of knowledge, and gaining experience along the way. The support from Project Child staff, the training and getting to know each other has hopefully prepared all the volunteers that are getting involved with Project Child for the next three months. Next we’ll see how the classes are taught, their responsibilities to the children and most importantly of all, make a difference and do something good for the community while we’re all here in Indonesia.