COVID-19 Attracts Domestic Violence

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia COVID-19 is a nightmare for the human race. With everyone advised to stay at home, the pandemic slows down every aspect imaginable in our lives. The economy collapses, social life becomes non-existent, and the only place where people are allowed to gather is the […]

Everyone Can Do Good

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesia Kindness should be a basic trait that everyone possesses. It should be the basis of human’s thought, utterance, and action. Unfortunately, that’s a utopia. In reality, our world is cruel and savage. Sometimes, hatred wins more often than kindness. Worry not though! Our world […]

Berbagi Kehidupan Melalui Donor Darah

Ditulis oleh Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Intern Project Child Indonesoa Darah sering disebut sebagai sumber kehidupan. Darah mempunyai fungsi penting untuk mengedarkan oksigen ke seluruh tubuh kita sehingga organ-organ tubuh kita bisa berfungsi dengan baik. Jika kelancaran aliran darah kita terganggu seperti dalam kasus hiperkoagulasi yang menyebabkan darah penderita terlalu mudah menggumpal sehingga mereka […]

Safety and Health at Workplace: No. 1 Priority

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesia Working from home has been a privilege that not everyone can have. Healthcare workers, government officials, and those whose work are providing services for the general public cannot enjoy such luxury. Healthcare workers have to work to provide quality treatment for those who are sick, […]