Matchamu Childrity Project

“We share and care on Valentine’s Day”

Matchamu Childrity Project was based on the idea of Diela Ranihadini and Winda Natastina who wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a different way. For some people Valentine’s Day will always be a special moment to share love and to care about other people, who for example can be members of our family, siblings, a partner in our life or friends. Usually this moment is used by some people or companies to increase their profit. They are organizing different kinds of events to celebrate it, for example they are holding music events as well as band performances, dances or many other things that attract people. But actually we didn’t want to have that kind of events. However it was still hard for us to create a different one, especially a charity or volunteering event because we wanted it to be meaningful on this Valentine’s Day. This is the reason why we initiated to make a charity event for some kids in Sekolah Sungai Kricak Kidul which is managed by Project Child Indonesia.

Our aim of this event was to celebrate our love by giving real care to people who need some help. Therefore we were celebrating this Valentine’s Day by giving our love, soul and care to the kids. Due to our cooperation with Project Child Indonesia and Matchamu Café, which is a popular hangout place for youngsters in Yogyakarta owned by Lintang Wuriantari, we named the event Matchamu Childrity Event to fulfil the needs of the kids and giving them our love and care on Valentine’s Day. This event was also the first CSR-project (Corporate Social Responsibility) for Matchamu Café since its opening two years ago.

Matchamu Childrity Project started on 14 February and went on until 28 February. Both at the opening event on Valentine’s Day and on the following day, we held a fashion bazaar, a movie screening and we also opened our donation booth to collect offerings from the customers of Matchamu Café. The donations could be books, clothes or education toys and all of the customers could participate by collecting the donations until 26 February. From 14 February until 26 February Matchamu Café gave 20% from the purchase of every customer’s order as donation. So every customer could be a participant of Matchamu Childrity Project only by ordering any menu in the Café. The main event was then held on 28 February in Sekolah Sungai Kricak Kidul. As representatives of their customers, the Matchamu Café Team came to visit Sekolah Sungai Kricak Kidul and got a lovely and warm-hearted welcome from the kids. Finally we could celebrate Valentine’s Day with the kids, we shared our love with them and gave all of the collected donations to Project Child Indonesia. We share and care on Valentine’s Day.

Authors: Diela Ranihadini and Winda Natastina

