First Aid Class

On the 24th of August 2014 two doctors from Germany joined the Monday class to teach the children the basics of first aid.

Since “Kricak Kidul” is a riverside community there are obviously some hazards that can occur on a daily basis. Cuts from walking barefoot in the water while fishing, because of sharp rocks, shattered glass, or old rusty nails are one of the most common health threats. The lack of education, especially among the youngest of the community, often disables them to take proper actions when somebody gets hurt. Badly treated wounds can be the cause of infections that ultimately lead to more severe illnesses.

The children where excited to meet the German doctors. After their formal introduction and a big round of applause, Dorina and Daniel taught the children about burns, open wounds, cuts, and cramps and how to behave when they face them. They also showed them what to do in case somebody chokes and how to measure someone’s pulse. The children were eargerly participating and also voluntered to do some excercises. During the class some of them were chosen to become “dokter kecil” (little doctors). They received a first aid kit and are the ones chosen to be consulted in case of accidents. You could really see that the children were very impressed by the presentation. Even after class most of them sat down together to measure each other’s pulse and discussing the necessary actions in case of emergency.

We would like to thank Dorina and Daniel for their visit and their presentation. They provided essential insights on how to make every day life in “Kricak Kidul” a lot safer.


Project Child Sekolah Sungai first aid class