Sanitasi, Kesehatan, dan Hari Internasional Pengentasan Kemiskinan
Written by Alifa Ainun Lukum, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia Tepat pada tanggal 17 Oktober dunia memperingati International Day for the Eradication of Poverty atau Hari Internasional untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan. Tahun ini, tema yang diangkat adalah “dignity for all practice” yang berarti martabat manusia tidak hanya merupakan hak asasi manusia, namun juga dasar […]
Specific Subject vs. Multiple Subjects Teachers
Written by Alifa Ainun Lukum, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia Students (or some of you may have graduated from school), like many of us, may hold memories of being inspired by a teacher or even just have favorite subjects for a specific teacher. It is even so much fun to learn when our […]
Fiction Book Recommendations to Increase Your Reading Interest!
Written by Alifa Ainun Lukum, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia “Reading fiction is a waste of time,” you have probably heard those words before. Some people argue that reading fictional books sucks time because it reduces productivity. On the other hand, some people reason that reading fictional books could be a form of […]
Poverty Porn: Random Act of Kindness and Why Is It Not Helping
Written by Alifa Ainun Lukum, Content Writer Intern at Project Child Indonesia Have you ever seen a TV show that captures a story about poverty vulgarly? Not only on TV shows but even on social media. You probably have seen videos from influencers or celebrities that come to poor people and give them financial support. […]