COVID-19: Aku Bisa Bantu Apa Sih?

Ditulis oleh Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi. Content Writer Project Child Indonesia Kalau ada yang menyebut frasa “tenaga medis”, apa sih hal yang langsung muncul di otak kalian? Dokter atau suster? Seringnya, kita berpikiran kalau dokter itu jasanya yang paling besar dalam penanganan COVID-19 terus kita lupa deh kalau ada banyak suster dan bidan yang juga bekerja […]

COVID-19: What You Can Do to Help

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesia What comes to your mind upon hearing “healthcare workers”? Do you instantly think of doctors and surgeons? Or do you remember those who are working hard in the frontline of current pandemic COVID-19: nurses and midwives? Today, during World Health Day, is the day when […]

Time of Crisis = Time to Care

Written by Graciella Stephanie Ganadhi, Content Writer Project Child Indonesia The 5th of April is celebrated annually as the International Day of Conscience. First celebrated in 2019, International Day of Conscience was initiated to remind people of the importance of love and peace in our society and the importance of self-reflection and improvement. Conscience advances […]