One of our recent excursions Project Child ran for the children at Sekolah Sungai was a cooking class at a local Jogja restaurant, Indochine Bistro. With some transport from our volunteers, the children visited Indochine and worked together with Mbak Stefanie to cook a variety of dishes that were both healthy and delicious.
All the produce that was used for the meal was provided by Jogja Organic, who kindly donated a team of people to help us teach the children about healthy eating as well. The fresh fruits and vegetables from Jogja Organic helped them to educate the children on what organic food is. Through some songs and games Jogja Organic volunteers also helped teach the children about health and food.
Next with Mbak Stefanie’s expertise, the children helped cut up, cook, arrange and decorate a variety of dishes that practically illustrated the kind of healthy food Jogja Organic talked about. A fresh chicken salad with cassava, cabbage, carrot, lettuce and grape tomatoes, sop buah (an Indonesian fruit salad) and potato people.
This class was a fantastic way to have a practical lesson and teach the children the importance of healthy eating. Diabetes and other health issues are often prominent in poverty-stricken communities because of a lack of education about food. Thanks to the generosity of Indochine Bistro and Jogja Organic the children at Sekolah Sungai hopefully gained some knowledge about healthy food and had some fun practice cooking with our volunteers.